Gassho means meditation with hands together, a foundational practice of Reiki. Holding your hands together, in prayer position or anjali mudra, in front of your heart, signals the beginning of any Reiki session. It centres us in the Reiki energy and activates the flow of energy through the body.
This activation of energy in Gassho is amazing as part of a meditation practice, whether or not you know Reiki. Your hands and your heart are two important ways that you interact with your world. By taking a moment and stilling both in meditation, you are able to deeply transform yourself and your world.
Give it a try now.
Notice the energy between your hands. Listen to your quiet heart beat. This is the stillness your soul is longing for. Just taking the time to be aware of the the YOU that is beyond the physical you.
I always open my Reiki classes with a short guided meditation with everyone’s hands in Gassho. I close the meditation with Rei-Ji-Ho, a practice used in Reiki to set your ego-self aside from the healing that occurs and a surrendering to the Divine wisdom that you can sense with your hands.
Both Gassho and Rei-Ji-Ho are important to help build a strong focus and intention in the practice of Reiki. But they can be used by anyone as part of a meditative practice.
Rei-Ji-Ho is simply a prayer to put your mind, your intellect in the service of the energy in your hands. You bring your hands, still palms together, to your forehead as a signal that you are putting the wisdom of Reiki above your own ego-centric thoughts. Ego here means the part of you that views yourself as separate; separate from other people, separate from the earth, and separate from the Divine.
The prayer itself is one I wrote, using the principles of healing as guided by Master Usui. In the final line of the prayer, I use the word surrender. Here I am using the word surrender in the sense that we are letting go of our own ideas about what is needed for a person and solely focusing on where the Reiki energy is guiding us. It is listening in the deepest sense of the word.
Rei-Ji-Ho Prayer
You are perfectly healthy whole and complete.
You easily align yourself with your highest good and you work in harmony with the healing principle of the Universe.
Everyone and everything in the Universe is moving easily and freely toward perfect health.
Every motion of this Universe is towards pure love and light.
The Universe is moving steadily toward this state of pure being and you are perfectly aligned with this motion.
You move with love and light because you are love and light.
Every motion of your hands and movement of your energy is guided by the infinite wisdom of the Universe.
I surrender to the wisdom in my hands.
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