
Podcast 26 – Embracing the Creative Flow: Make and Share your Best Work

Do you have an idea for something you want to make? Maybe it's a book you've always wanted to write. Maybe it's a business idea, a way to bring your work to more people. The process of staying in the flow of the work often follows the same pattern no matter what you happen to [...]

Creative Warm-up – You Completely Trust Yourself

This is the first of many weekly Creative Warm-ups available on my Substack community. My goal with these short meditations and writing prompts is to activate your creative work. Get started and keep going!   By creating together, we make a gentle space that allows you and your work to simply be. The energy and [...]

What is the 555 Plan for Creative Change?

Start your creative dreams with the 555 Plan. Simply do these three things: five minutes of meditation, five minutes of mindset journaling, and five minutes of forward motion. When you put them all together, you activate a powerful energy and create a series of mindful actions that are aligned with your dreams. Begin the process [...]

How do you Move Forward on a Creative Dream?

You’ve got a brilliant idea for a book, novel, piece of art or music; maybe you want to launch a business, but you’ve just gotten stuck. Here’s the strategy Geneva used to start her business of the soul, LunaHolistic, when she was just starting out and still uses it today! […]

By |2024-05-15T20:28:25-06:00September 15, 2023|Categories: Videos and Talks|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

LunaHolistic is Moving!

[UPDATE: We’ve moved into a beautiful new space at #105, 2003 14 St NW in Calgary. We’ll be reopening soon when it is safe.] Yes, it’s true. We’re moving at the end of February 2021. The building has been purchased and the new owners need the space we are currently in, so we’re moving to [...]

By |2021-05-24T11:21:06-06:00February 17, 2021|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Why We Love Reiki

Reiki has been a strong support for us through this and so many other things. It’s a beautiful system of flowing universal life force energy through the system to balance mind, body, and spirit. In this episode, originally recorded on June 1, 2020, we wax poetic about Reiki and why it has totally changed our [...]

There’s a Way

Do you have a guiding intention? A statement that you say to yourself that can pull you through anything? Maybe it’s a theme song, a powerful image, or a feeling that guides your internal compass. If so, you have a miracle in your pocket. Yay! Intention setting and a positive mindset are the most powerful [...]

Grief, Love, Impossible Hope – Working and Creating through Crisis

Just when I think my heart can’t break any more… It does. I just heard about the mass shooting in Nova Scotia. And I broke down in tears. Again. Since COVID-19 started, I’ve been awash in emotions. Part of being a sensitive person, and filled with empathy, is having a lot of emotions about the [...]

Why I left my science job for Reiki

About a year ago, I took a huge leap. I left a sure-thing, solid, well-paying job as an environmental risk assessor to pursue my Reiki business full-time. So, you may be wondering, why on earth would a person with a Master’s degree in science even be interested in something like Reiki? Even more, why would [...]

By |2024-04-15T19:43:54-06:00June 19, 2016|Categories: Reiki|Tags: , , , , , , , , |2 Comments

How to get Organized Once and for All

There are three chakras that will help you with organization and clarity: the root, solar plexus, and third-eye. Take a few minutes each morning and evening doing this practice: […]

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