
Podcast 30 – Shine Your Light

In this podcast episode, you are encouraged to be fully yourself and shine. You have a great power and light inside, but sometimes we can learn to dim it down. How do you move through the fear so you can bring your best to the world? Listen on for Geneva Robins’ top tips to move [...]

Podcast 26 – Embracing the Creative Flow: Make and Share your Best Work

Do you have an idea for something you want to make? Maybe it's a book you've always wanted to write. Maybe it's a business idea, a way to bring your work to more people. The process of staying in the flow of the work often follows the same pattern no matter what you happen to [...]

When your Heart says Yes – Follow It!

In this video, we chat about the power of following the heart and soothing the ego. When your heart says yes, but your ego says no, it can be confusing. But we've found that life moves forward in a beautiful way when you listen to the deep wisdom of your soul and take mindful steps [...]

By |2024-05-04T12:46:33-06:00May 4, 2024|Categories: Videos and Talks|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Creative Warm-up – You Completely Trust Yourself

This is the first of many weekly Creative Warm-ups available on my Substack community. My goal with these short meditations and writing prompts is to activate your creative work. Get started and keep going!   By creating together, we make a gentle space that allows you and your work to simply be. The energy and [...]

What is the 555 Plan for Creative Change?

Start your creative dreams with the 555 Plan. Simply do these three things: five minutes of meditation, five minutes of mindset journaling, and five minutes of forward motion. When you put them all together, you activate a powerful energy and create a series of mindful actions that are aligned with your dreams. Begin the process [...]

MultiGenerational Healing Meditation

This meditation will help you release the multigenerational patterns and trauma that you might have in your body and mind. In this meditation, you pick an ancestor three to seven generations back, and you are guided to meet with them in a healing place of the soul. Any pattern you may have in your energy [...]

There’s a Way

Do you have a guiding intention? A statement that you say to yourself that can pull you through anything? Maybe it’s a theme song, a powerful image, or a feeling that guides your internal compass. If so, you have a miracle in your pocket. Yay! Intention setting and a positive mindset are the most powerful [...]

Grief, Love, Impossible Hope – Working and Creating through Crisis

Just when I think my heart can’t break any more… It does. I just heard about the mass shooting in Nova Scotia. And I broke down in tears. Again. Since COVID-19 started, I’ve been awash in emotions. Part of being a sensitive person, and filled with empathy, is having a lot of emotions about the [...]

You are Strong and Capable

There’s a light within you. A strength and courage that knows no bounds. No matter what, you are powerful. Be the Light you have always been. In this episode, originally recorded on April 13, 2020, you’ll learn ways to access this power even in the midst of turmoil and emotional upheaval. […]

Empowerment in 4 Minutes – Try this Tadasana Meditation

It feels like the only constant these days is change. What feels most natural to me in times where I am afraid, uncertain and oh-so-vulnerable, is yoga. I can always find my way to my mat even when I can barely peel myself up off the floor. In just 4 minutes with this easy guided [...]

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