
Podcast 17 – How do you deal with Resistance?

In this episode, Angela Hoogeveen and Geneva Robins chat about how to wriggle free from resistance and procrastination. Resistance to the positive behaviours that would move you forward is so commonplace. Why do we do the things we don’t want to do and don’t do the things we want to do? […]

By |2023-11-15T09:39:59-07:00November 15, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , , , , , |2 Comments

Empaths and Empathy: How can I be supportive without taking on what other people feel?

Are you a super feeler? You might be an empath. In this video (originally recorded on August 6, 2020), we discuss the amazing benefits of your gift of sensitivity and some helpful ways of understanding how to stay in that compassionate vibe without absorbing other people’s stuff. […]

By |2023-08-13T14:06:17-06:00December 4, 2021|Categories: Lightworker Global Call to Action|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

George Floyd – A Path through Silence – Grief, Empathy, Hope

What to say when you don’t know what to say. Like many, I was stunned into horrified silence by the brutal and unjust murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Even now, I write and rewrite this. There are no words. Grief steals them from me. Even the word ‘grief’ isn’t fair or adequate. Many condolences [...]

Grief, Love, Impossible Hope – Working and Creating through Crisis

Just when I think my heart can’t break any more… It does. I just heard about the mass shooting in Nova Scotia. And I broke down in tears. Again. Since COVID-19 started, I’ve been awash in emotions. Part of being a sensitive person, and filled with empathy, is having a lot of emotions about the [...]

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