
Why I left my science job for Reiki

About a year ago, I took a huge leap. I left a sure-thing, solid, well-paying job as an environmental risk assessor to pursue my Reiki business full-time. So, you may be wondering, why on earth would a person with a Master’s degree in science even be interested in something like Reiki? Even more, why would [...]

By |2024-04-15T19:43:54-06:00June 19, 2016|Categories: Reiki|Tags: , , , , , , , , |2 Comments

One tiny breath: Letting go of anger

Anger. It can be liberating, like a forest fire, burning down the old and unneeded. It can also be destructive. Emptying. A laying waste to the inner landscape. In its wake, we burn ourselves out and are left putting things in order. It is not that anger is bad; it is just that it is [...]

By |2024-01-03T18:59:58-07:00May 18, 2015|Categories: The Secret Art of Happiness|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Letting go of Anger Affirmation Ladder

Letting go of anger is a process. It is difficult when we are overwhelmed with emotion to jump right to a positive, happy thought. Peace may feel light-years away. With the Affirmation Ladder process in my book The Secret Art of Happiness: Change your Life with the Reiki Ideals, you don't need to get to [...]

Rest in Peace

Rest in peace is a blessing we say for our dearly departed, but I have begun to ponder its deeper meaning. I have weathered my share of grieving in the past few years and I will be on my way to another funeral for a family member in the next few days. We wish them [...]

By |2020-04-20T18:04:59-06:00March 26, 2014|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Transformative Energy Healing

This weekend was the eighth and last class of my first Level I Reiki course, which is an eight lesson course. I developed the longer format for teaching after learning that Master Usui would train his students for years before attuning them to Level I. My intent was to infuse the discipline that comes from [...]

By |2022-01-03T23:04:32-07:00June 3, 2013|Categories: Reiki|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Blue Ocean Meditation

If you haven’t tried meditation before, a great way to start is using a guided meditation. Guided meditations use imagery and relaxation techniques to keep your mind busy so your body can relax and heal itself. Other kinds of meditations, such as the repetition of mantras or silent meditation, can sometimes be difficult for beginning [...]

Book Review – Unfinished Business

Book Summary “Unfinished Business” guides you through the messages that the dearly departed have for all of us ‘living’ to live better and fuller lives. The messages are interwoven with compelling stories of James Van Praagh’s fascinating mediumship. The book touches on all aspects of our mental and emotional lives and is a great introduction [...]

By |2023-02-18T14:42:13-07:00January 27, 2011|Categories: Books|Tags: , , , , , |2 Comments
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