heart chakra

Chakra Integration Meditation

Feel connected and flowing with your radiant purpose with the Chakra Integration Meditation. Harmonize your energy centers, achieve balance, and elevate your spiritual journey.  Chakra Integration Meditation We've got more meditations for you on the Insight Timer App. When your chakras are filled with energy and balanced, you feel inspired and connected to your inner [...]

Heart Meditation

Expand into the infinite love of the Universe in this Heart Meditation. The heart chakra is the centre for love, connection, and compassion. The heart circulates joy and peace through our being. This meditation can help you settle into a state of self-love. […]

Messages from the Center

I love love love Angel and Oracle Cards. I always get such cool messages and I love seeing the clarity on the hidden themes in our lives. So I’m starting a new series in my blog where every so often I post a reading and how I interpret it. I trust that you will read [...]

By |2018-03-16T16:30:30-06:00April 20, 2016|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Heart Chakra: Centre of Wisdom

The heart is wise. There is a deep intelligence that lives in the centre of the heart. The heart chakra governs our love, compassion, but also our deep reservoir of wisdom. The union of the power and stability of the earth, with the lightness and energy of the sky. That all happens within the heart. [...]

By |2018-07-04T20:01:38-06:00May 26, 2015|Categories: Reiki|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments
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