
About Melissa Jaswal

Melissa Jaswal is a Reiki Master and practitioner at LunaHolistic. She teaches meditation and mindfulness, while also staying open to grow within her own practice of daily self-healing and meditation. She's passionate about photography and capturing the essence and beauty within a person.

Ancient Healing Forest Meditation

This is a healing meditation to help you release any physical, mental, or emotional pain. The forest is a sacred place with wise and ancient beings. Use this meditation as an opportunity to release anything that is not serving you into the healing water of the natural hot springs. When you let go in this [...]

Why I love Reiki

I will always be thankful for the beautiful energy of Reiki and all of the many ways it has touched my life. Reiki has given me faith in my divine essence, showing me the light I cultivate within. Being attuned to the energy symbols has allowed me to open back up to my intuitive senses, [...]

Enjoying the Journey

“So often we become so focused on the finish line, that we fail to enjoy the journey.” –Dieter F. Uchtdorf This has been coming up for me a lot lately. In a world where we’re always striving to be someone or get somewhere, when I take a moment to appreciate my surroundings, and notice all [...]

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