
Hope Motivates Action podcast interview with Lindsay Recknell

Have you ever wanted to know more about Reiki and how it can fit into your well-being plan?  Have a seat and listen to the Hope Motivates Action podcast interview with me (Geneva!) and Lindsay Recknell, a Calgary-based speaker, facilitator and mental health advocate. […]

Colouring Time! Affirmations and Creative Fairy Snot

So if you have walked into a bookstore lately, you probably have seen the **awesome!! happy clap!** display of adult colouring books. Yes, that is right! Permission to colour!! I spent many hours this summer swooning over the pages of the mandala colouring book I have. Besides being super fun, it struck me that there is [...]

Joyful Life: Writing and Helping Full-time

Summer is fully here. And with it arrives a dream. A year ago, I started the first draft of my book, The Secret Art of Happiness, and since then, I have been working on it whenever I could. Now I am lucky to be able to devote my focus and energy this summer on the revisions and [...]

What do you do when you can’t do anything else?

Well. That's it. There is nothing more to be done. The exam is finished and handed in. The letters have been sent. The ads posted. The request made and made again. Every angle has been tried.  Every detail checked. It is done. It is time to let go. Surrender is the hardest when we have [...]

By |2015-04-08T13:48:31-06:00April 8, 2015|Categories: The Secret Art of Happiness|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Faith or Worry?

The second Reiki Ideal is to let go of worry. Which sounds great, but can be a daunting task. When worry takes over, it is nearly impossible to see anything beyond it. What is on the other side of worry, its antidote, is faith. Faith in yourself, in kindness, in possibilities, in the Divine. By reaching [...]

By |2015-03-01T22:45:43-07:00March 1, 2015|Categories: Reiki, The Secret Art of Happiness|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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