
Podcast 23 – Special Sessions Part 2 – Connect and Manifest

In this episode, Kim Star and Geneva Robins chat about the transformational energy created by our new Special Sessions. Each is unique in its own way, but all of them lead you to a greater connection with Source energy and your true self. The pathways may differ, but the result is the same: you leave [...]

Meet Your Team Meditation

Connect to your spiritual team, guides, angels, ascended masters and spiritual councillors in this deeply healing meditation journey. The Meet Your Team Meditation helps you connect to the energy, wisdom and guidance of your Divine Team.  Meet Your Team Meditation We’ve got more meditations for you on the Insight Timer App. Watch on YouTube [...]

Podcast 19 – Ask a Reiki Master Anything!

In this episode, Geneva Robins answers your questions about Reiki and spirituality. Ask a Reiki Master Anything! We compiled a few frequently asked questions and the top questions asked on Google for this podcast. If you have more questions, it is our most favourite thing to answer them! You can leave us a message here: [...]

How do I connect to the Angels?

How do I connect to the Angels? If anyone else can connect to the angels or their spiritual team, why not you? This was the idea that motivated my spiritual journey to expand my intuition. As I connected to my Reiki practice, I expanded my connection to spiritual guidance. Reiki has a way of opening [...]

How do you Connect to your Divine Team?

In this video, learn the top tips for learning how to connect with your guides, guardian angels, spiritual advisors, and ascended masters – Your Divine Team! This connection can give you access to loving and wise information that can help you on your spiritual path. […]

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