Signs of Spring is a process I use to enhance my trust in the Universe. I developed as a part of my book, Secret Art of Happiness: Change your Life with the Reiki Ideals. It really works. Just a tiny bit of positive attention to the things that are working in your life, means that the machinery of the Universe is free to help you.
I call it Signs of Spring because I live in a part of the world where the winters are long. Dark days and cold nights for months can sometimes make you forget that summer is possible. We have these seasons within us as well. The winters of our lives can be hard. They can be lonely. They are bare and cold periods where nothing seems right and nothing seems to be going your way. Nothing works and everything seems frozen with no clear path ahead. You can sometimes lose faith that summer will ever come. But just as with the seasons, summer always comes. Always. Every year. Guaranteed.
It is the same for you. Hard times are replaced by easy times. Or at least easier times. It is the cyclical nature of life. We encounter a challenge, we learn, we grow, and we return to happiness, if even for a moment. The point of this exercise is to extend those times of ease and happiness, and to increase their volume. To begin looking for tiny signs that the winter is leaving and that joy, peace, love and abundance are indeed here and getting bigger everyday.
Signs of Spring are little indications that things are shifting in your life. It is looking for the first signs of warmth, of spring, of tiny seeds germinating in the soil and pushing their way up through the ground. It is the buds on the trees getting fatter and the birds returning. It is a slightly longer day and a beam of sunlight through dark clouds. It is melting and a hush in the air in the pause between dusk and dawn. It is the soft mossy scents of earth returning to its fullness, a stretch, long and delicious and slow after a long slumber. It is waking and rising and returning to what is soft and good and new. It is a softness in the heart. It is a smile from a stranger. It is having the door held for you. It is a small tiny gesture that the Universe has heard you and summer is on its way.
Get a nice little journal or notepad that you can keep near you throughout your day. Keep it with you, in your pocket, in your purse, in your car, by your bedside table, wherever you will remember it and have it close. At least once a day, write down your Signs of Spring.
Write down a list every day of these small ways that things are getting better. Write down all your successes. Write down the tiniest detail as a symbol that your request to the Universe has been heard.
If you are wanting more abundance, it could be finding a penny on the street, or a friend buying your coffee, or even an improved feeling in your heart.
If you are looking for romance, it could be a smile from a passerby, it could be feeling good about yourself, it could be an increase in synchronicity, or reconnecting with old friends.
If you are wanting a better job or more fulfilling work, it could be an unexpected phone call from a co-worker, or someone asking you what your dream job is, or a colleague being friendly.
If you are wanting more happiness or improved mood, it could be a chuckle you had when talking to a friend, or waking up to bird song, or watching a beautiful sunset, or playing with your pets, children, or other lighthearted beings.
Write down all the ways, tiny and grand that the changes you desire are indeed occurring.
Nurture these tiny sprouts by noticing them and appreciating them when they happen. When you do this, you not only begin to feel better about where you are right now, but you also begin shifting, through Law of Attraction, the vibration that you are sending to the Universe. You then begin to powerfully attract more of what is wanted in your life and less of unwanted.
A tiny bit of appreciation goes a very long way toward improving your mood and creating a new life.
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