Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring is a process I use to enhance my trust in the Universe. I developed as a part of my book, Secret Art of Happiness: Change your Life with the Reiki Ideals. It really works. Just a tiny bit of positive attention to the things that are working in your life, means that [...]

Signs of Spring: Little love notes from the Universe

Spring begins in the depths of winter.  There is always the hidden promise of warmer weather and easier times. Just like the seasons, our lives are just cycles within cycles. Our wishes begin manifesting not when we receive them, but right in the moment of decision. Right at the moment where we begin to think, [...]

By |2015-02-28T00:51:00-07:00February 28, 2015|Categories: The Secret Art of Happiness|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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