Have you ever felt like the Universe is picking on you? Sometimes, you get a whole string of odd events and synchronicities that leave you scratching your head and wondering what is going on. In this podcast episode, Angela Hoogeveen and Geneva Robins talk about how you can make sense of the quantum weirdness and start seeing how it is all happening for your growth and expansion.
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What to do when you feel the Universe is Picking on You
The first step is to get yourself into a state of calm, or at least calmer! If you’re really agitated, then the reframing and introspective techniques are difficult to access. The tide of emotions is just too strong, and the next bit will just frustrate you rather than free you, which is the whole idea of this process, anyway.
It is okay to feel all of the feelings when things are not going your way. Instead of pushing those feelings down or feeding them with ruminating thoughts, try to focus on the physical sensations in the body. Notice where you feel tight or clenched and let it all go with big sighs of relief. Stay present and notice your breath and energy without trying to change it at first. Just make room for all the feelings to have space and receive comfort. It will be difficult to look at any deeper patterns in this situation until you are calm and grounded. So take a moment to simply feel everything without judgement. Just make space for it all to be.
Making space for your Feelings
When the energy is high in a situation, usually more thinking won’t calm you down. Instead of thinking your way through it, try feeling it all instead. Our minds create thoughts that either feed the anger or try to suppress it. But if you direct your focus on the feeling sensations in the body, it creates space and awareness of where your energy is at.
Get yourself to a safe space. Sit down if you can and turn anything off that creates a distraction or disruption. Screens off. Music off. Phone off. Unplug from the external and give yourself a calm, quiet space.
Spend a few minutes just noticing the energy in the body. Are some places hot? cold? buzzing? smooth? What is the quality or texture of the sensations? Are you holding your breath? Clenching your jaw? Notice where in the body each thought is living. How is your body holding this experience?
At first, don’t try to shift or change anything you are feeling. Just make a safe space for each sensation and practice turning your focus towards the body and away from the thoughts or situation at hand.
Everything you feel is okay.
There are no judgements or labels at this step. Just space, and awareness, and breath.
You might like the Releasing Anger Meditation to help you through the strong energy and make space for your feelings. Or the video “How do you release anger from your energy?” can help walk you through this process.
Shifting your Energy through Grounding
Now, move into grounding. We’ve got a Grounding Meditation that can help you connect to the Earth. But mainly, you can go for a walk outside or connect to the present moment by allowing your energy to balance with the flow of energy from the Earth. Just take a few settling breaths and let your energy flow down your body and through your feet.
It is happening FOR you, not TO you. How to See the Bigger Picture.
Ask yourself, “What is the hidden gift here?”; “What if the outer world pattern is mirrored by the inner world pattern?”
This is what I do when I see an outer world pattern, and I suspect that the Universe may be picking on me. You can take it or leave it. It’s just something to ponder. I always think that if I see something happening on repeat outside of me, then I will look to see if that pattern is mine. Is that happening within me? Or is there some way that I am also doing that behaviour?
For example, if I’m frustrated because someone isn’t getting back to me, I’ll look to see if I need to return someone else’s message. Am I not getting back to someone?
Then, I leave the initial situation alone and just go do my work. I’ll contact the people I need to contact, and I’ll correct my own behaviour rather than try to get someone else to change (since that is impossible).
I look for the pattern in other areas, too. Is there somewhere else in my life that the same thing is happening, and I’m not seeing it? Maybe it’s part of a larger pattern. Maybe it goes way back to childhood and isn’t really about the present situation at all. If that is the case, I’ll do some Reiki on my inner child and take care of myself with gentleness.
It is impossible for the Universe to pick on you.
Even though it might feel like you’re being thwarted, the Universe is actually full of love and supports you through all kinds of situations.
If you’ve been redirected by the Universe, look for the magic it is pushing you towards. The hidden benefit of the feeling that the Universe is picking on you is that it immediately takes you out of autopilot so you can look deeper into your patterns and your life.
When you look deeper into the patterns, it gives you an opportunity to see where you can focus your healing efforts. Then you start shifting your energy and that is when the magic starts happening.
Any change to your inner pattern will have a ripple effect through the quantum nature of the Universe. If you change, the pattern has to shift.
This helps you take back the power where you can. You always have control over your thoughts, feelings, and actions. This helps you let go of control over everything else.
Using the Reiki Ideals to shift your point of attraction
I also go to the Reiki ideals like a baby blanket. I grab onto them and let them comfort me. I use them to give me space to acknowledge how I’m feeling, where I might feel stuck or scared and then start bringing in a new energy.
The five Reiki Ideals are: let go of anger; let go of worry; be grateful; do your spiritual work; and be kind. When you put them all together, they are The Secret Art of Happiness.
In particular, when I get stuck, this is how I work through the Reiki Ideals when I feel like I’m blocked or stuck in quantum weirdness.
- I let go of anger and frustration (easier when I see that I also sometimes behave that way or that there is something important to learn).
- I let go of worry (that this will always keep happening or because it is because of me for some reason. It’s not.)
- I become grateful (maybe this is actually a positive thing, and it is helping me in some way that I can’t see yet)
- I do my work ( I meditate and do Reiki and focus on what I want, my intention. I remember that I am a powerful manifestor and I can change my vibration in an instant)
- I lean into kindness ( I am gentle with myself about the whole situation. I see myself in the other, and I’m kind to them. They are doing their best, and it’s okay that it isn’t what I’d prefer. If I need to speak up I will, but with a calm and clear energy.)
I look for the positives because the negatives dig me in and make the pattern worse. I clear the energy and do an energetic reset. Then, after I’ve done all that, that’s when I see if I need to make any changes. If I leap to making changes before I do the inner work, I’m just too reactive, and it doesn’t work out well. But if I do Reiki, meditate, ask my Divine Team about it, and do a check of the Reiki ideals, then I’m clear. I make more grounded changes when I’m grounded.
Be kind to the part of yourself that is reacting to the situation. Everything you feel is okay.
Try a few moments of listing out what you’re grateful for that you are maybe taking for granted, like clean water to drink and fresh air to breathe. It’s tiny but creates big shifts.
Even grumpy gratitude is still gratitude, and it has the power to change everything. Gratitude puts you in the energy of creativity and problem-solving. Then, the way forward often opens up.
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