Lunar Harmony is a way of noticing the energy of the moon as it cycles through its Phases, the Moon Days, and the Moon Signs. Simply noticing the energy that is flowing each day and using that to set intentions and self-care plans can create waves of magic in your life.

Lunar Harmony Planner - October 12, 2023

This is part of the LunaHolistic Moon Calendar that we publish every year, where the energy of each day and phase is colour-coded to match the chakra frequency that is predominant each day. We’ve got a new one ready now!

The daily lunar planner for 2024 helps you understand the unique frequency each day can offer. Every day, you’ll get a Lunar Harmony Invitation, where you can set an intention or get a journalling prompt. There’s space for notes, journalling, and to-do lists. Rating scales for how the day actually went for your body, mind, and spirit are included, too, so you can find out what the energy means for you.

We’re gifting you a freebie to download to try it all out. Click the link below for a digital pdf copy.

Click to Download > Lunar Harmony Planner – December 12, 2023 to January 11, 2024.pdf

Feel free to print these planner pages out and try them. We’d love to hear how it goes for you. Please leave us a comment below.

Get the 2024 LunaHolistic Moon Calendar 

Get the 2024 Lunar Harmony Planner  – Coil Bound

Get the 2024 Lunar Harmony Planner – Linen wrapped Hard Cover

Lunar Harmony Planner Summary – Dec 12, 2023 to Jan 11, 2024

Tuesday, DECEMBER 12, 2023

New Moon in Sagittarius
Moon Day Energy – Root, Aura, Third Eye
New Moon – Root Chakra – Set an Intention

Lunar Harmony Invitation: This is a luminous day. Even though the moon is dark, the stars shine. Like you, let this energy show you the beauty you hold inside your soul. You are a worthy and precious being. Set an intention today that honours your growth and your home.

Wednesday, DECEMBER 13, 2023

Mercury Retrograde
Moon Day Energy – Third Eye, Sacral
New Moon – Root Chakra – Set an Intention

Lunar Harmony Invitation: All the details come into focus today. Just allow some space for generosity with your time even though you want to charge ahead. Let the energy gather before acting, and check everything twice.

Thursday, DECEMBER 14, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Sacral, Solar Plexus
New Moon – Root Chakra – Set an Intention

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Concentrate your energy and focus today. Yes, there’s much to be done, but just stay steady and work on each thing one by one.

Friday, DECEMBER 15, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Solar Plexus, Root
Crescent Moon – Sacral Chakra – Signs of Spring

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Today, put roots under your big vision. Spend time on your own in nature. Stay open to the wisdom of the generosity of Mother Earth. How can you honour that nurturance?

Saturday, DECEMBER 16, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Root, Third Eye
Crescent Moon – Sacral Chakra – Signs of Spring

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Flow with the harmony of the Universe today. You might have other plans, but if you relax, the Universe can show you a much better path.

Sunday, DECEMBER 17, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Third Eye, Heart
Crescent Moon – Sacral Chakra – Signs of Spring

Lunar Harmony Invitation: A lovely day to care for your wise and compassionate heart. Spend a few moments today in self-care, Reiki self-healing, and journalling. Notice the simple and beautiful ways the Universe is supporting you with its magic.

Monday, DECEMBER 18, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Heart, Throat
Crescent Moon – Sacral Chakra – Signs of Spring

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Beauty is everywhere today if you look for it. Let the magic and wonder flow into your heart with grace and love. Each moment is a new moment.

Tuesday, DECEMBER 19, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Throat, Heart
First Quarter Moon – Solar Plexus Chakra – Take Mindful Action

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Your words of gratitude create beauty and joy in those around you today. Sprinkle these glittering gems everywhere you go.

Wednesday, DECEMBER 20, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Heart
First Quarter Moon – Solar Plexus Chakra – Take Mindful Action

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Self-love is supported through kind inner boundaries today. Let everyone be their own unique snowflake. Notice the energy you are bringing to the party. Sparkle from your soul!

Thursday, DECEMBER 21, 2023

Winter Solstice – Sun in Capricorn
Moon Day Energy – Heart, Sacral
First Quarter Moon – Solar Plexus Chakra – Take Mindful Action

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Today, let the past gently drop into the earth. Notice the light springing up in your life now. There is a luminous sparkle today that draws you to family, home, and the sacred fire in your own heart.

Friday, DECEMBER 22, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Sacral, Aura
Gibbous Moon – Heart Chakra – Trust Your Inner Wisdom

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Let the energy flow through your heart. Everything can heal today, even old hurts from years past. Let the power of love and infinite grace mend old scar tissue. All is well. It’s a new day.

Saturday, DECEMBER 23, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Aura, Heart
Gibbous Moon – Heart Chakra – Trust Your Inner Wisdom

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Flow with the wisdom of your heart today. This is the most powerful lunar day of the month, so make time to slow down and enjoy it all.

Sunday, DECEMBER 24, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Heart, Solar Plexus
Gibbous Moon – Heart Chakra – Trust Your Inner Wisdom

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Beautiful energy flows today, especially from group gatherings and sending messages to loved ones. Receive with gratitude today. Say thank you and watch the blessings gather around you now.

Monday, DECEMBER 25, 2023

Christmas Day
Moon Day Energy – Solar Plexus, Throat
Gibbous Moon – Heart Chakra – Trust Your Inner Wisdom

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Life is a joyous dance today. Let everything flow and soften. Keep your energy moving and socialize with all your friends and loved ones. Talk to everyone. Even a small note or text is meaningful.

Tuesday, DECEMBER 26, 2023

Boxing Day – First Day of Kwanzaa
Full Moon in Cancer
Moon Day Energy – Throat, Aura
Full Moon – Throat Chakra – Gratitude and Reflection

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Lots of energy gathering today as the moon swings to full. Be gentle with your heart and remember your wisdom. Let your inner wisdom guide you through the waves of energy surrounding the next few days.

Wednesday, DECEMBER 27, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Aura, Heart
Full Moon – Throat Chakra – Gratitude and Reflection

Lunar Harmony Invitation: You know… that was a lot of energy! The last few days have been full; it’s okay to be a bit crabby. Just give yourself some space and cozy time by yourself. Let everything soften in the sunlight and fireside.

Thursday, DECEMBER 28, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Heart, Solar Plexus
Full Moon – Throat Chakra – Gratitude and Reflection

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Avoid hustle and strain, and remember that being present is the best gift. Protect your sensitive energy with a Reiki session or meditation.

Friday, DECEMBER 29, 2023

Moon Day Energy – Solar Plexus, Heart
Full Moon – Throat Chakra – Gratitude and Reflection

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Celebrate the year today. Connect with people who have helped you be kinder to yourself. Notice all you have healed and accomplished. The future is bright and sparkly.

Saturday, DECEMBER 30, 2023

Jupiter Direct
Moon Day Energy – Heart, Third Eye
Disseminating Moon – Third Eye Chakra – Receiving with Gratitude

Lunar Harmony Invitation: So much energy flows through your heart today. Let it work its magic and guide you to the most favourable outcome. Stay steady in the rhythm of the day.

Sunday, DECEMBER 31, 2023

New Year‘s Eve
Moon Day Energy – Heart, Third Eye
Disseminating Moon – Third Eye Chakra – Receiving with Gratitude

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Your intuition is on point today. Spend time in meditation on Gratitude for this year. Be consistent and receptive to all the good that is flowing your way. Tiny and frequent meditations help you complete your work.

Monday, JANUARY 1, 2024

New Year’s Eve – Mercury Direct
Moon Day Energy – Crown Chakra
Disseminating Moon – Third Eye – Receiving with Gratitude

Lunar Harmony Invitation: It’s a Fresh new year. Be gentle with the details today and spend time in reflection and prayer. Notice all the tiny ways the Universe has given to you.

Tuesday, JANUARY 2, 2024

Moon Day Energy – Crown Chakra
Disseminating Moon – Third Eye – Receiving with Gratitude

Lunar Harmony Invitation: It is a great day to brainstorm ideas and connect with your Spiritual team through oracle cards, writing and meditation. Notice the ways that balance is flowing into your life.

Wednesday, JANUARY 3, 2024

Last Quarter Moon
Moon Day Energy – Throat Chakra
Last Quarter Moon – Crown – Compassionate Service

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Today, put the plan into action. Balance the scales with compassionate service to the world. Spend time learning and be open to creative solutions.

Thursday, JANUARY 4, 2024

Moon Day Energy – Root Chakra
Last Quarter Moon – Crown – Compassionate Service

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Restraint and moderation are key today. Seek solitude and fill your own cup today. Excellent day for seeking the balance and grounding of Mother Earth.

Friday, JANUARY 5, 2024

Moon Day Energy – Sacral Chakra
Last Quarter Moon – Crown – Compassionate Service

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Make your creative dreams real today. Reflect on your spiritual support through meditation and take action on your guidance. See your work through to completion.

Saturday, JANUARY 6, 2024

Moon Day Energy – Third Eye Chakra
Last Quarter Moon – Crown – Compassionate Service

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Cherish your sensitivity today and make extra space for your intuition and psychic gifts. Allow the wise self to guide you to finish up tasks started on the last new moon (December 12, 2023)

Sunday, JANUARY 7, 2024

Moon Day Energy – Crown Chakra
Balsamic Moon – Aura – Honour Transitions

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Focus on routine work and take care of tasks in solitude today. Meditation on spiritual texts and practicing that calm wisdom is recommended. Let go of old energy today with love and gratitude.

Monday, JANUARY 8, 2024

Moon Day Energy – Crown Chakra
Balsamic Moon – Aura – Honour Transitions

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Connect to your Inner Wisdom today and let it help you imagine a beautiful future. A day of reflection, learning, and planning, don’t start new things. Let the old projects receive some energy today. Share your knowledge.

Tuesday, JANUARY 9, 2024

Pluto enters Retrograde Zone
Moon Day Energy – Aura
Balsamic Moon – Aura – Honour Transitions

Lunar Harmony Invitation: Today is a beautiful day to expand your light, balance your chakras, and radiate peace and love. It’s easy to release old patterns now as the new energy of healing and well-being is flooding in today. Let the light shine.

Wednesday, JANUARY 10, 2024

Moon Day Energy – Root Chakra
Balsamic Moon – Aura – Honour Transitions

Lunar Harmony Invitation: A good day to stick close to home and attend to practical details. Tidy your home and finish things up. Don’t get caught up in the stubborn old stuff; be nimble and climb to a higher viewpoint with your Spiritual dedication.

Thursday, JANUARY 11, 2024

New Moon in Capricorn
Moon Day Energy – Root, Third eye, Sacral
New Moon – Root Chakra – Set an Intention

Lunar Harmony Invitation: This morning is a sacred moment when your thoughts are energetically active. Take a moment to set an intention for this lunar month. This month has energies that are supportive of your courageous and bold new plans and the steady root chakra energy to support them. Make some plans today!

Click to Download > Lunar Harmony Planner Dec 12 2023 to Jan 11 2024 pdf


Get the 2024 LunaHolistic Moon Calendar 

Get the 2024 Lunar Harmony Planner  – Coil Bound

Get the 2024 Lunar Harmony Planner – Linen wrapped Hard Cover