I like to tell my students that there is no push or pull in Reiki. It is divine, infinite and intelligent. You don’t need to push it it go faster, you only need to get out of the way of it.
Just like you don’t need to push a waterfall, Reiki is always there, flowing far greater, far clearer, and with greater subtlety and power than we could ever conjure up on our own. It is divinely wise and inherently egoless. No pushing or pulling required.
It strikes me that this principle works in a great many other areas of life.
So, if you find yourself going slower even though you are trying harder, ask yourself, are pushing and pulling too much? Are you allowing the divine support of the Universe in?
Or are you rigidly accepting only one avenue of support?
Are you pushing time to go faster? Cramming more and more in and getting less and less back?
Maybe it is time to allow God/Divine/the Universe (or what you call it) to help you.
Can I get an Amen?
Maybe, just maybe, the universal intelligence that lies underneath all matter has something better for you. Maybe it is all on the way to you the second you say yes to help.
Say yes.
It is yours.
Love this!