What better way to start a new season than to create a new resource category: Crystals! I use crystals extensively within my meditation and Reiki practice. I find that crystals allow for an easier focal point in mediation and also set the energetic intention of a session. Crystals work on every level of your being: physical; mental; emotional; and spiritual. Crystals have been used for centuries and we are naturally drawn to these beautiful manifestations of the earth.
Crystals carry intention. Almost any crystal will work for you if your intention is strong enough. However, each crystal has its own energy signature that can magnify whatever is needed in your life. Knowing just a little bit about the basic nature of crystals will enhance your spiritual practice.
I have been working with and studying crystal healing for over 20 years. I have a large collection of books just on crystal uses. Through out my reading I found that each crystal book had different descriptions of what each crystal did. Pretty soon my head was swimming with information overload.

I solved that problem pretty much the way I always do. With statistics!!
I combined my big nerd brain and my love of crystals to explore crystal meanings from as many different authors and books that I could find. I put all the information together in one giant spreadsheet to figure out what are the main actions of each crystal.
I recently found the perfect software that can display the information in a pretty and easy to understand way. I will be adding a page for each crystal as I build and update my giant table. Maybe it will even be a book one day!
The sources I used for building my spreadsheet were:
Doreen Virtue and Judith Lukomski, 2005. Crystal Therapy, How to Heal and Empower your Life with Crystal Energy. Hay House: Carlsbad, CA.
Judy Hall, 2004. The Crystal Bible, A definitive guide to crystals. Walking Stick Press, Cincinati, Ohio.
Judy Hall, 2009. The Crystal Bible 2. Walking Stick Press, Cincinati, Ohio.
Judy Hall, 2000. The Illustrated Guide to Crystals. Sterling Publishing Co., New York, NY.
Judy Hall. 2006. The Encyclopedia of Crystals. Fair Winds Press, Beverly, MA.
Cassandra Eason, 2010. The complete crystal handbook: Your guide to more than 500 crystals. Sterling Publishing Co. New York, NY.
Robert Simons and Naisha Ahsian, 2007. The book of stones: Who they are and what they teach. Heaven and Earth Publishing: Berkley, CA.
Philip Permutt, 2007. The crystal healer: Crystal prescriptions that will change your life forever. Cico Books, New York, NY.
Simon Lilly and Sue Lilly, 2006. The Essential Crystal Handbook: All the crystals you will everneed for health, healing and happiness. Duncan Baird Publishers, London.
Diane Stein, 2008. Gem stones A to Z: A handy reference to healing crystals. Crossing Press. Toronto.
Melody, 1995. Love is in the earth: A kaleidoscope of crystals: The updated reference book describing the metaphysical properties of the mineral kingdom. Earth-Love Publishing House. Wheat Ridge, CO.
Dr. Flora Peschek-Bohmer and Gisels Schreiber, 2002. Healing Crystals and Gemstones from Amethyst to Zircon: A comprehensive listing of the therapeutic uses and healing effects of the most important crystals and gemstones. Konecky & Konecky, Old Saybrook, CT.
Jennie Harding, 2007. Crystals. Walking Stick Press. Cincinnati, OH
Michael Gienger and Wolfgang Maier, 2007. Healing Stones for the Vital Organs: 83 Crystals with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Healing Arts Press, Rochester Vermont.
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