What Reiki Level do I take?

If you are brand new to Reiki... Start with Reiki Level I. If you have taken Reiki Level I with another teacher... We recommend taking LunaHolistic Level I before continuing on to Level II with us. We teach a much more in-depth course at LunaHolistic than most other Reiki courses. There are many skills that [...]

By |2022-03-08T13:49:19-07:00March 8, 2022|Categories: |0 Comments

How much are the Reiki courses?

Our current pricing for our courses is here: Reiki Course Pricing Level I is is eight weeks long and there is a bunch included that makes this a super valuable life-changing investment. You can check out all the details here: https://www.lunaholistic.com/courses/level-i/ Level II and III are also eight weeks long and Master Level is ten [...]

By |2022-03-08T13:18:21-07:00March 8, 2022|Categories: |0 Comments

What if I miss a class?

Missing a class is no problem! If you cannot attend a class, due to circumstances beyond your control, just message your teacher. You may also attend virtually that day through Zoom. Know that you will still learn what you need for that chakra even if you are not in class. Life brings you the lessons [...]

By |2022-03-08T13:10:37-07:00March 8, 2022|Categories: |0 Comments

Are your Reiki courses in-person or online?

We offer both! You can indicate on your Reiki Course Application if you prefer to join virtually or in-person. Going forward, our classes are a hybrid of in-person and virtual seats. So some of your classmates may be online and some in-person. We've been teaching in this way since 2020 and it has been working [...]

By |2022-03-08T13:02:16-07:00March 8, 2022|Categories: |0 Comments

I’m hoping to sign up for classes, but they aren’t posted on the website yet. When can I expect to see new class dates?

New dates for Reiki courses for the next season get assigned a few months prior to the start of classes. If there’s a course you don’t see listed yet, keep checking back! New courses are being posted throughout the year. Check out the Upcoming Course schedule. And get your name on the list!! Hold your [...]

By |2022-03-08T12:51:04-07:00March 8, 2022|Categories: |0 Comments

When is the Next Level I course?

We have new courses offered seasonally. The Upcoming Courses page has the next few offerings listed. Book soon! We are now booking in advance for many of our classes. Get your name on the list for the next course! To apply to take Reiki Level I, please fill out the Reiki Course Application.   If [...]

By |2022-03-08T12:45:40-07:00March 8, 2022|Categories: |0 Comments

Can I Learn Reiki Too?

Absolutely! We offer in-depth courses for all four levels of Reiki, right to Master Level. [Click Here!] You don’t need any special skill or ability to take your first Level I class. Just come with a willingness to change, grow, and learn. We will help you build your self-care and meditation practice. And if you’re [...]

By |2022-03-08T12:35:26-07:00March 8, 2022|Categories: |0 Comments
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